Margaret is Director of Health Programmes at International Futures Forum (IFF), an education charity, which fosters practical hope and wise initiative. She uses theory and practice derived from IFF’s work to support innovative collaborations addressing
contemporary patterns of need which are resilient, responsive and sustainable. With her particular interest in public mental health, she leads IFF’s Kitbag programme and is spreading its use in schools, family agencies, universities and communities where it is helping to grow the human capacities for connection, empathy and hope.
Margaret’s background is in medicine, studying at Cambridge University and specialising in public health. She worked as a consultant and then Director of Public Health in NHS Fife stepping down from her role in 2018 (returning briefly in 2020 during the Covid pandemic).
During these years, Margaret co-authored with three others The Future Public Health (Open
University Press, 2010) and published her own book Humanising Healthcare: patterns of hope for a system under strain (Triarchy Press, 2014).